I say good morning to her, she says good morning trouble,
Yeah, that's the nick name that she gave me.
And even though I know I could never properly love her,
I still treat her like she's my lady.
I'm a distraction to her, and I know that....
I should probably disappear.
But it ain't that easy when you're attracted to her,
Plus I just love it whenever she is near.
She's the perfect woman for me and I know that,
But sometimes perfect isn't what your heart wants.
But right now it's impossible for me to go back,
So being trouble is the only skill that I got.
I ask her how her date was, as if I care,
I mean I do, but she knows that I don't.
Because I don't want any other man to be there,
Even though I know that I won't.
Selfish right? But what can I do?
Troubling to think how I'm trouble to you.
Late night I get a text from her,
She asking me "where you at?"
Funny how if you go looking for Trouble,
Trouble always answers right back.
I'm right here my dear,
We haven't spoke in a couple weeks.
She say she lonely and having trouble falling asleep
No worries I'm on the case,
Trouble on the highway heading right for your place,
I'm outside right now, go ahead and let trouble in,
Let me comfort you, your whole body is trembling.
Trouble is the loving is so good we both stumbling,
Orgasms so loud her words are all mumbling.
Now you have trouble lying in your bed,
Trouble is, I'm always lying in her bed,
I can see the trouble in her eyes with each lie that I said,
Her eyes prettier than the ocean and I'm standing on the ledge
Knowing I can't jump, I'm such a damn punk
But I'm anchored to another girl with whom I can't give up
Run away baby, Run away fast on the double,
But she'll never leave me, she's in love with Trouble. 


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