She said how could you do this to me?
You told me that you loved me.
You've probably just forgotten,
You'd remember if you hugged me.
And she standing there,
Reaching her arms out for me to take her.
But I told myself no more lies,
I promised I wouldn't be a faker,
So I stood there,
The writer that couldn't come up with the words,
And she just stared at me,
Tears falling down hitting the earth.
She was my first love,
She was my first love,
She was the type of girl you get,
When you don't deserve love.
Because you too young and dumb,
So you desert love,
Puppy love is such a dessert love,
The sweetest you'll ever get on this earth love.
The best kisses I ever got was from the worst love.
She said what am I supposed to do, I changed my life for you?
Where am I supposed to go, I drove all night for you?
I changed my whole life plan, to be right with you?
I even went out, and aborted life for you.
Her words cut me so deep it's like a knife she threw.
Even now I still reminisce over that night with you.
Know I never meant to hurt her though I know I did.
I was young and I was foolish I was a f*cking kid.
And not a day goes by I don't think about a kid,
The one we never had because of the life I lived.
Look at the life I live, my loneliness is my sentence.
A man cursed to write, and be haunted by each sentence.
Still to ashamed to ever ask for your forgiveness.
A life without love with no chance of repentance.
And I was so happy to the hear the news,
That you had got engaged,
A proper love had finally found you,
And you'd have love for all your days.
Cause you deserved it, yeah you deserved it,
Nobody better than you, your love is perfect.
And if you ever get to read this, and the words should cross your eyes,
Although it's far too late, I forever apologies.


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