Our lives are our story, and in storytelling there are many different characters. What is unique about life, is that we have the opportunity to play so many different characters. To some we may be the comedic relief providing laughter and joy, or perhaps we are the voice of reason, bestowing wisdom when needed most. We can be the confidant, the best friend, or even the villain. But what is most important is that you realize in your story, in your own life, there is only one role to play; you must be the hero. The "Heroes Journey" is a very old and very commonly used story arc in almost every story ever told from the first days of life until now. And a crucial point with the heroes journey is a moment known as death and rebirth or more commonly referred to as "All is Lost".

This is the moment in the journey where our hero is at their lowest point, the doom of defeat all around them. Like Neo in the Matrix, lying on the floor, shot, or the avengers in New York as the enemy seems unbeatable despite their best effort, it is a moment of true testing for the hero. I often wondered why this moment existed, why this moment was needed. The answer I got was simple. In order to truly succeed and overcome, you had to be able to deal with failure and stand in the face of defeat. In our own life, in our own story, as we seek to be the hero of our personal world, you must understand the purpose of your own All is Lost moment. No one can truly be claimed a hero until this moment is faced and overcome. Hopefully, as you become the hero in your own life, you do so greatly that you become the hero in others as well. If you find yourself at this moment of your story remember, before All can be found, All must be lost. Keep fighting, and be your own hero.


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