It’s funny when you think last time was the last time, Like you won’t let this time end up like the last time, But yet and still, you still thinking about that last time, It’s never really moving forward if you still living in your past time. What can I do to remind you of our past time, If love has a clock, then tell me are we past time, Expiration date love, are we past prime Feeling like love is a game and we only at half time But how can we keep the love with half time, Love is a full time job and I’m only getting half time, I remember, I remember, I remember too I remember, do you remember, do you remember who Who used to have your heart, who’d you surrender to Haunted by the past of ghost who resembles you. Hello love, yeah I know it’s you, How come you never do what you supposed to do? How could you leave me when you know what I’ve been going through? How could you sell me those lies, I thought those eyes were true Then I thought I met ...