Realizing now more than ever I'm in love with my past, Unable to see the future when you looking back, But yet and still I have to, I mean look at that. Those good times with good friends and good girls that I turned bad, If only I could turn back, but do I mean time or do I mean forward, Hard to walk it straight with nothing to move toward... And you're always off course cause of course you run back in time, It happens like every time, repeating the same mistakes, In love with the heart break, I guess pain really is pleasure huh, You write better broken down, as if every word picks you up. We stay up all night, we drink too fast, We do thee most, hoping we don't crash, This is my life, these are the highlights, These are the dark days, that follow the bright nights, This feels quite nice, this feels quite right, Looking at old tattoos I used to kiss all night. Familiarity is a dangerous comfort, Hurts my soul to see how poorly life has done her, But yet s...