To the son I'll probably never have.. From the man you'll never call dad. I just needed to speak my piece, Give you the advice I never had. See in this world so much can go wrong, And it's hard to see the right. The darkness in people's hearts, Can make it hard to see the light... But if nothing else believe in yourself, Make sure you always follow your heart, Even though there will be some times, When that leads to it being torn apart, And when you do experience heart break, Take it from my experience first hand, Becoming a player won't make you feel better, Sexual conquest don't make you a man. Life is what you make it, Find your talent and embrace it, Your dreams are precious and sacred, Protect them don't let the world take it. If you make a promise try and keep it, A man has to be true to his word. Hard work and determination, Respect isn't given until it's earned. And if you ever find yourself, In a place where yo...