Living in a city like Los Angeles, it can be tough being constantly surrounded by well to do people in flashy cars driving to their exotic homes. But one thing I have learned after years of not only living here, but surviving here, is that there is always a way to "fake it until you make it". And today I mean this specifically in reference to your living place. Ever hear the phrase, "Money doesn't buy style"? Well I have. And I've been to places that are plenty big and still plenty ugly. I once dated a girl and one thing I remember is her telling me how when she first came to my place she immediately thought, "I can see myself spending time here". It's important guys, you need to make the most of your space, and not only that, but being organized as well. So here are a few tips on how to make your respective place look nice even when you are dealing with the most limited of spaces.


One of my favorite things about hotel rooms is the symmetry of the layout. These designers are experts at making the most out of the limited square footage. Now not every small place will have the architectural benefit of a good design. But using this kind of symmetric scheming can be very beneficial. Even in a small place it can be very pleasant to know each area has it's purpose no matter how tiny the area. 


My best friend just got his first own place in New York City and when I called him and said, "what you doing"? His answer was, " on my way to Ikea". I already knew the rest because as a fellow city dweller Ikea is the holy land. In a crowded place you need furniture that can double in function. Whether it's the sofa that has a bed, the desk that folds into a dining table, or whatever else those crazy folks come up with, make Ikea your best friend. 


I have a lot of clothes. And having a small closet will force you to deal with that. First advice, get rid of what you don't wear. I know, it's hard to do...but do it. Donate those items to those who could use it. After that, get organized. You can really utilize the space in your closet when you get organized. I can't stand someone with lots of closet space who uses it poorly. I'm getting upset just thinking about it. Where was I? Oh yeah, organize your space. Now here's something most people, guy or girl, don't realize. You don't have to spend a lot of money buying closet organizers and stuff. Every apartment I have lived in I have made the closet my own thanks to Home Depot. They have a section for closets and there's tons of product you can get and use even if you have no handy man skills at all. Check it out. 

Hopefully I've given you some sound advice and if nothing more got you thinking about what can be done to improve your space. I'd love to hear any good advice you may have and or comments!!!!

Thanks for reading.

*Innocent Thoughts of a Guilty Man*



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