Tap Dancing...

It seems like the only way to get views is to coordinate challenging dances, Nobody got time to read poetry about love and romances, Unless it comes with a hot shot of some hot shot influencer, These are the things that really seem to influence ya'. It's that or hit you with those "be like" videos, This is what it be like when bae catches me watching videos Or sliding in Dm's, or jealous ass B.M's, This is the society that we all live in... I suggest you adjust and just get to dancing, Popularity is the new currency and these companies spending. Instant messages from accounts that I don't even know, All telling me that for a cost they can help my page grow. So I go constantly back and forth about letting my page go All in between thoughts of whether to let my rage go... Do you play the game even though you hate it just to make it? Pop locking all the way to the top to say you made it? Just so you can drive the kind of car that gets you hated.. And buy th...