It was summer, the sun was hanging in the sky just as lazily as I was as on the ground as we walked down the strip at Venice Beach, shades on our eyes, smiles on our face. There's a particular wonder about Venice Beach, a kaleidoscope of walks of life all meshed together, harmoniously getting along. Perhaps it's the sunshine that makes this place so peaceful, or maybe it's the frequent marijuana shops posted along the boardwalk, who knows? But the calm of the afternoon was idyllic for a Saturday. We walked into our favorite watering hole with handshakes and "hey how are you" floating through the air over the noise of the crowd and music humming from the jukebox. The ice cold beer received a chilling welcome on such a hot day, the first one disappearing all too quickly. I can't be sure if I was simply thirsty or excited to get drunk and see where the booze would take me. About a half hour later and another beer down I stepped outside to have a cigarette. ...