We’ve all been there; you meet this amazing girl, she’s smart, funny, beautiful, I mean she’s just amazing, and you guys really hit it off. So what’s the problem? Oh that’s right…you live 3,000 miles apart. With modern technology making it possible to meet people over a multitude of social platforms, you don’t need to book a flight to have a conversation with someone in a different country as you. Travel is at the click of a mouse. Problem is, that a virtual relationship, no matter how great, can never be as great as a physical relationship. Because while you are sending her sweet messages, there’s a few “wolves” at the bar, waiting to prey on your precious sweet heart. So the question then becomes, how do you stand out, when you can’t stand by her?

·       Communication: Conquering long distance cannot be done without good and consistent communication. You need to have a mean talk game, because that’s all you really have. Working out a plan for who is calling who, what time to Skype, Facetime, etc. etc. With all the formats for communicating, you really have no excuse to let it fall to the wayside. If she’s important to you, then you will stick with it.
·       Mutual Desire: Now this holds in true in any relationship, but none so more than in long distance situations. Both parties must want it equally to work out. Nothing more hurtful then when you are giving your all, and she is barely responding. Now understandably, these situations are these easiest to dismiss and move on, but the reward of having a strong relationship must be equally appealing for it to last.
·       See Each Other!!!: You must find ways to see each other!! If she lives in New York and you live in Los Angeles, than go on a vacation in Houston….meet in the middle! Find ways and reasons to get back to where you need to be. Yes, I know gas is high and taxes are higher, which might put a hindrance in your ability to travel as frequently. But that brings me to my final point.
·       Somebody must be willing to move: Long distance can’t go on forever, so you have to be honest with yourself and each other. Is both of you are cemented into where you are currently living and never want to move, than you have an obvious problem. The further along you are in life and your career, the less likely it is that someone will be willing to relocate, if your relationship even makes it to that point!

It’s no easy task, but the heart wants what the heart wants, and if it’s important enough to you, you’ll find a way to go the distance.


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