The Evolution of Fashion: Becoming the Gentleman

Looking back on some old photo albums I laugh playfully at how I used to dress. Being an adult now, I sometimes question the way those younger than me dress, but then it hits me: We all have our phases of fashion. I continued to look over my photo albums and some friends as well and was able to determine that for the most part, we go through three phases until we find ourselves, fashionably speaking. PHASE I: The wonder years. Phase one is your High School years. For most, before this your clothing choices were dominated by your parental figures. Your choices in apparel were limited and monitored. However, even if you had freedom to choose at this point, the high school teen is far too impressionable to really have their own fashion sense. Think back. This is an overwhelming time of peer pressure in your life and the need to fit in with the cool kids takes control. Thus you don’t really have your own indiv...