She told him he was the villain. She said it so concretely, so certainly, that he was sure it was over. That they had reached the end. He thought of all the movies he had watched over the years and the conversations he had had with people where they saw the character so differently. He realized he was now in that story and he was now that character. He saw himself so differently, so completely opposite from what she must have saw. He wondered what stories she had told to her friends to make her, them, believe that this was indeed his role. He quickly tried to play back all of the scenes they had acted out looking for the evidence she surely had that he had missed. "The villain", he asked? Hoping he had heard her wrong. But indeed she said just that, and repeated herself to boot. He thought to himself, he was never mean, or ugly, rude or untrue, hurtful, nor a liar. Sure, he had made his mistakes, gone left when he should have gone right. But he good. Perhaps not always...