"How bitter sweet", he thought as he walked the halls of his alma mater. He stared at the buildings where his education was housed, the quad where he often hung with friends, the streets parked on over and over again. Years had gone by since he'd last been, perhaps too many. Nothing looked the same, and yet somehow, it all still stood in great familiarity. He cracked a smile as he thought about his old loves and the places they made out. The corners used for kissing, the hallways of holding hands... He imagined his younger self, wide eyed and full of hope. He stepped into the chapel where he'd spent hours for talent contest and debates and sat on his favorite row. The chairs were new, but the air was not. He could sense the memories in room, they were in the floors and walls. The emotions were overwhelming as he watched hundreds upon hundreds of people meet with long lost friends. The hugs, the handshakes, the smiles and genuine laughter, a sea of beautiful black peop...