Educated young brother he was always thirsty for knowledge, On a quest for the American dream so he went on to college, He earned himself a degree and then went on to get his Master's He had skills in his craft and went on to learn from a master, Rooted in a strong foundation from the day that he was born, It's no wonder he found his passion in his architectural drawing, But just like construction, even when you have instructions Life can take a turn and have you ready for eruption. So he said to me "I know I'm never perfect but still I pursuit it" A man dedicated to his principles and I knew it, on some school sh*t, We been best friends since we rocked shoulder pads, And now here we stand as much older lads. Both talking about old teammates and how their all Dads Wondering when our time will come and does that make us bad, And I'm mad, because he's too good to be alone. But for his own reason he not ready to make his house...