WIT' YA OLD A$$...

I'm at the laundromat the other day, btw, why is laundromat spelled with an O...that's dumb... I mean you do LAUNDRY not LAUNDRO......but I digress....I'm at the laundry mat and I realize I didn't have any detergent. Dumb I know, so I run over to the corner store to grab some....nobody in the line to check out so I'm pushing...grab it turn around...and this old couple is shuffling into the line. I'm like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....I didn't feel like knocking em' over so I let them go first...they only have three items..

They put their three items on the counter and then I see the old man pull a kid move and start staring at all the extra crap they have at the register. So he starts asking his old lady if they need random sh*t.

"Do we have batteries?"
"Do we have batteries?"
"What about Tylenol?"
"Stop touching things, we don't need anything."

<insert my face here>

So finally he stops asking dumbass questions and the cashier tells them their total. The old lady goes in her purse, because old women always hold the money, and she pulls out.........NOTHING BUT CHANGE. This lady drops dime's on the corner Like Jay-Z before he got married.


Finally they pay and start heading out...I pay for my detergent and try to leave but I can't because they are standing in front of the door fighting over who's gonna hold the bag. I never wanted to kick an old person so bad in all my life! To all my family and friends...the day I can't check out in a proper time frame, force me to a nursing home. And if I fight you...show me this blog.

Old people suck.......

I should probably call my grandparents though....tell em' I love them.


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