I woke up that morning with a smile on my face. Nowhere to go, nothing to do, and she was there. I had almost believed it to be a dream, the night before. I slept with little patience wanting the first light of day to come, and render true the evenings passion. She lay there, sunlight glowing on her skin, the most beautiful woman I had ever met. Hair tossed across her face, eyes closed, lips puckered, and just a touch of her shoulder showing. I had that feeling, that warm tingly, butterflies in the stomach feeling, that this was real. She draped her thigh across my legs and my body shivered. Is there any greater moment of sensuality than a warmth of a women's naked thigh wrapping around you? I pulled her close to me so that her head could lay on my chest. It was so seamless that she didn't even open her eyes, she just continued to rest. I breathed her in, the smell of cocoa butter filled my nostrils and brought pleasure to my senses as I kissed her forehead. I begged for time to stop, for the world to stand still so that I could live in this moment. Sixty seconds in a minute, and I craved every second. No cars going up and down the street, no planes, no helicopters, was the whole world in love this morning? Were they as engulfed in the sheets as we were? I could only hope so. She kissed my neck as if to confirm she was in tune with the world as I were, in love with being held she squeezed me tighter. It's not a dream, I am real, this is real. Ironically, this is a dream, it's our dream, my dream, loves dream. The white sheets were symbolic for the clouds we were floating on, drifting through the sun soaked morning. She rolled on top of me and I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, she leaned into my ear and whispered to me what I had been wishing to hear, wishing to have, hoping we might make it there......."Good Morning". 


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